Safety Protocols

The following are the protocols that the district adheres to for the safety of all the students and faculty.

Hold Procedures

Hold Is followed by the DIrective: "In Your Area or Room" and is the protocol used when the hallways need to be kept clear of occupants.

Students are trained to:

• Clear the hallways and remain in their area or room until the “All Clear” is announced

• Do business as usual

Adults and staff are trained to:

• Close and lock the door

• Account for students and adults • Do business as usual

Secure Proceedure

Secure is followed by the Directive: "Get Inside. Lock Outside Doors" and is used to safeguard the people within the building.

Students are trained to:

• Return to inside of building

• Do business as usual

Adults and staff are trained to:

• Bring everyone indoors

• Lock the outside doors

• Increase situational awareness

• Account for students and adults

• Do business as usual

Shelter In Place
Shelter In Place

Shelter in Place is used for when there is a tornado,hazmat,earthquake or a tsunami. When this happens students are trained to deal with it in the best way and use the appropriate hazards and use the safety strategies that are used in this situation.

Hazards might include: • Tornado • Hazmat • Earthquake • Tsunami

Safety Strategies might include: • Evacuate to shelter area • Seal the room • Drop, cover and hold • Get to high ground

Students are trained in:

• Appropriate Hazards and Safety Strategies

Adults and staff are trained in:

• Appropriate Hazards and Safety Strategies

• Accounting for students and adults

• Report injuries or problems using Red Card/Green Card method.

Evacuation procedures

Evacuate may be followed by a location, and is used to move staff, students, and guests from one location to a different location in or out of the building.

Students are trained to:

• Leave stuff behind if required to

• If possible, bring their phone

• Follow instructions

Adults and staff are trained to:

• Bring roll sheet and Go Bag (unless instructed not to bring anything with them, dependent on reason for evacuation.)

• Lead students to Evacuation location

• Account for students and adults

• Report injuries or problems using Red Card/Green Card method.

Lockdown Proceedure

Lockdown is followed by the Directive: "Locks, Lights, Out of Sight" and is the protocol used to secure individual rooms and keep occupants quiet and in place.

Students are trained to:

• Move away from sight

• Maintain silence

• Do not open the door

Adults and staff are trained to:

• Recover students from hallway if possible

• Lock the classroom door

• Turn out the lights

• Move away from sight

• Maintain silence

• Do not open the door

• Prepare to evade or defend

Asbestos Statement Updated 4/5/22

De Beque School District 49JT buildings, to the best of the knowledge of the contractors, were constructed with no asbestos containing materials.  Demolition of previous buildings and removal of material was conducted in accordance with the Asbestos Safety Management Plan.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the DeBeque School District 49JT offices by calling 970-283-5596.

Safety Board

There is a safety board for the safety of the school. They meet to discuss if there is anything that they do to make the school safer if possible and if they need to change anything. The board consists of:

Audra Lane                                       Superintendent

Andy Jones                                        Assistant Principal

Deputy Marshal Jeff Meyer          SRO/De Beque Marshal’s Office

Jason Ryan                                        Building Operations Director

Melinda Lewis                                  Information Technology Director

John Lane                                          Academic Dean of Students

Maria Ramthun                               Business Manager

Chella Davis                                     Administrative Assistant

Lisa Lippoldt                                    Transportation Director

Sophia Parker                                  Special Education Director

Michelle Searcy                               Food Services Director

Marshal Bob Dalley                        De Beque Marshal’s Office

Shanelle Hansen                             Town of De Beque Mayor

Fire Chief Forest Matis                  De Beque Fire Protection District

*** All of these individuals are a part of the Advisory Board and work at/with the school to help make the school a safer place 24/7. ***